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Apollo 50 anniversary
- 50th anniversary of the Apollo ProgramFrom October 2018 through December 2022, Space Collectibles will mark the 50 anniversary of the Apollo Program that landed a dozen Americans on the moon between July 1969 and December 1972
on July 20, 1969, the manned mission achieved that historic goal when Neil Armstrong took his famous “one small step” onto the lunar surface. But getting there was hardly smooth sailing. To celebrate the 50th anniversary of this groundbreaking event, we’re sharing 50 facts about the Apollo 11 mission and its participants.
Richard Nixon had a speech prepared in case the Apollo 11 astronauts never came home.
Your toaster is more advanced than Apollo 11’s command module computer.
The Apollo 11 astronauts consumed a lot of fizzy water.All those bubbles meant that there was a lot of farting.
Neil Armstrong wasn’t convinced that they’d be able to land the Lunar Module.
Pieces of the Wright Brothers’ first aircraft were onboard Apollo 11.
When Apollo 11 landed, they were really low on fuel.
Eagle’s overworked computer system had Apollo 11 landing in a boulder-filled crater.
Apollo 11 landed in the wrong place.
Armstrong may have been the first man to walk on the Moon, but Buzz Aldrin was the first man to pee on the Moon.
At the same time Armstrong and Aldrin were completing their moonwalk, a soviet spacecraft accidentally crashed into the Moon.
A communion wafer was the first item eaten on the Moon.
Apollo 11's return to Earth is largely due to a felt-tipped pen.
Armstrong’s bag of Moon dust was accidentally sold for $995.
no, The Apollo 11 astronauts did not have an alien encounter.Draper, the Kendall Square-based lab known for developing aeronautical instruments, has created an exhibit dedicated to the engineers who made the moon landing possible. The exhibit is called “Hack the Moon Live,
At the exact moment that Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon on July 20, 1969, Hack the Moon’s seven-meter wide model of the moon, “encircled in hi-res NASA imagery of the lunar surface at an approximate scale of 1:500,000,” will illuminate for the first time. “100 Seconds: Engineering the Lunar Landing Experience,” a 4D simulation of landing a spacecraft on the moon, will debut at the exhibit on the same day.
Nasa Logo
NASA unveiled an official logo for use in observing these milestone anniversaries Friday at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington.
Created by NASA graphic artist Matthew Skeins, the logo offers a nod to the past with a few elements borrowed from the original program emblem, and a glimpse into the future with a graphic depiction of NASA’s vision for the next half-century of deep space exploration.
The arc through the word “Apollo” represents Earth’s limb, or horizon, as seen from a spacecraft. It serves as a reminder of how the first views of Earth from the Moon – one of NASA’s crowning achievements -- forever transformed the way we see ourselves as human beings. It also affirms NASA’s intention to continue pushing the boundaries of knowledge and delivering on the promise of American ingenuity and leadership in space.
Apollo 11 Descent: Film and LRO Imagery
Side by side view of Apollo 11's descent, showing the view out of the lunar module's window side by side with the broader panorama reconstructed from LRO data.
One Small Step, One Giant Leap
Restored footage of Neil Armstrong's first steps on the lunar surface during the Apollo 11 mission in July 1969.
Apollo 50 Anniversary memorabilia Store
The moon landing marked the culmination of America's Cold War human spaceflight program and positioned itself as a global leader in science and technology. Apollo 11, the mission Armstrong and Aldrin flew with colleague Michael Collins, represented the U.S. accomplishing a seemingly impossible goal on a seemingly impossible timeline. Fifty years later, the world is remembering the historic mission and its impact on society and science.
Buy nowApollo Project : Gigantic NBC News Reference Binder9.500,00 €Out of StockBuy nowNorm Carlson's Used Page From Apollo 11 Countdown Manual2.500,00 €Buy now8 LIFE Magazine APOLLO On the MOON Landing 1962 1969 Space Exploration NASA (Pack2)800,00 €Buy now8 LIFE Magazine APOLLO On the MOON Landing 1958 1969 Space Exploration NASA (pack1)800,00 €Buy nowApollo : Two vintage Photos Project Test Firing Lockheed Propulsion w/Letter 8x10900,00 €Out of StockBuy nowMrs. Collins Meets the Press" July 16, 1969, Directly From The Armstrong Family Collection1.950,00 €Out of StockBuy nowApollo 11 X Omega speedmaster box of Apollo 11 moon landing photos2.900,00 €Buy nowASTRONAUTS Transparency - Desert Training450,00 €Out of StockBuy nowApollo 11 core memory1.700,00 €Out of StockBuy nowLunar Module 1 Systems Handbook2.900,00 €Out of StockBuy nowAPOLLO 11 - Saturn V Launch to Moon450,00 €Out of StockBuy nowAPOLLO 11 - View of Apollo 11 landing Site450,00 €Out of StockBuy nowAPOLLO 11 Astronauts Pose Recovery Training450,00 €- 50th anniversary of the Apollo ProgramFrom October 2018 through December 2022, Space Collectibles will mark the 50 anniversary of the Apollo Program that landed a dozen Americans on the moon between July 1969 and December 1972
Dr. Wernher von Braun (center) describes the Saturn Launch System to President John F. Kennedy (right, pointing). NASA Deputy Administrator Robert Seamans stands to the left of von Braun.
A Saturn V rocket launches the Apollo 11 crew on the first moon landing mission on July 16, 1969 in this image framed by an American flag. Four days later, Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon while crewmate Michael Collins orbited above.
Apollo 11 astronaut Edwin Aldrin photographed this iconic photo, a view of his footprint in the lunar soil, as part of an experiment to study the nature of lunar dust and the effects of pressure on the surface during the historic first manned moon landing in July 1969.
Apollo 11 mission officials relax in the Launch Control Center following the successful Apollo 11 liftoff on July 16, 1969. Second from left (with binoculars) stands Dr. Wernher von Braun, Director of the Marshall Space Flight Center.
An Apollo 11 Data Acquisition Camera is reunited with its 16mm film magazine as last used together aboard the lunar module Eagle in the new "50 Years from Tranquility Base" exhibit. (Smithsonian)
The "50 Years from Tranquility Base: Humanity's First Visit to Another World" exhibit, now on display at the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C., includes Neil Armstrong's Omega Speedmaster chronograph, Michael Collins' sunglasses (with case) and both a pen and penlight used during the Apollo 11 first moon landing mission in July 1969. (Smithsonian)
"Ye Ole Lunar Scratch Pad," an Apollo 11 checklist used by command module pilot Michael Collins, is on display as part of the National Air and Space Museum's new exhibit, "50 Years from Tranquility Base: Humanity's First Visit to Another World." (Smithsonian)
50 th Anniversary Events
NASA center events and exhibitions:
July 13 // U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, AlabamaCelebration Car Show: Cars from the Apollo era will be on full display along with an Apollo Lunar Rover replica the week of Apollo 11's 50th anniversary.
July 16 // Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex, Florida
Apollo Celebration Gala: Taking place at the KSC's Saturn V Center, this gala will feature astronauts and VIP guests in a grand celebration of Apollo 11's 50th anniversary.
July 15 – July 20 // Nationwide
Apollo Next Giant Leap Student (ANGLeS) Challenge: NASA's Science Mission Directorate's Northwest Earth and Space Sciences Pipeline invites students to recreate the Apollo 11 moon landing with a drone and a Lego Mindstorm robot for the ANGLeS Challenge.
July 2019 // NASA's Space Center Houston in Houston
Lunar Jubilee celebration: NASA’s Space Center Houston will hold Apollo-themed events in celebration of the Apollo 11 lunar landing's 50th anniversary.
New permanent exhibit // Virginia Air and Space Center Official Visitor Center for NASA Langley, Hampton, Virginia
Be the Astronaut/Apollo 50th: This interactive exhibit highlights the history and future of lunar exploration and moon missions.
Ongoing exhibitions and celebrations:
Now – July 16 // AnywhereU.S. Space & Rocket Center Space Camp's Global Launch: Anyone around the world can sign up to receive information about how to build and launch a rocket and how to record the results of your launch in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission launch.
Now – July 28 // Bell Museum, St. Paul, Minnesota
Year of Apollo: The Moon and Beyond: A range of events celebrating the moon and human exploration include hosting the Museum of the Moon, a massive model of our satellite, and displaying a lunar sample disk.
July 1 – July 31 // Exploratorium, San Francisco
Museum of the Moon: A massive, photorealistic sculpture of the moon spotlighting every cliff and crater will be on display for the month.
Now – Aug. 3 // Houghton Library, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Small Steps, Giant Leaps: A collection of rare books and artifacts document the history of science and engineering related to space science and spaceflight.
Now – Aug. 16 // Purdue University in Lafayette, Indiana
Apollo in the Archives: Selections from the Neil A. Armstrong Papers Exhibit: This exhibit will explore Neil Armstrong's legacy and his historic work as an astronaut.
Now – Sept. 2, 2019 // The Museum of Flight, Seattle
"Destination Moon: The Apollo 11 Mission" Traveling Exhibition: The Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service partnered with the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum for a traveling exhibition featuring the Apollo 11 command module Columbia. (The exhibit will land at the National Air and Space Museum for good in 2022.)
Now – Sept. 8 // Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum in New York
Apollo 11: Media, the Moon and Beyond Conveys Awe of Moon Landing Through Raw Emotions and Reactions Worldwide: The Intrepid will be celebrating Apollo 11's 50th anniversary through a series of programs and events designed for all ages. The cornerstone of these efforts will be this new exhibit, which will show visitors just how awe-inspiring the historic event really was.
June 29 – Jan. 31, 2020 // The Corning Museum of Glass in Corning, New York
Journey to the Moon: How Glass Got Us There: This new exhibit will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first moon landing. The exhibit will feature a unique display that demonstrates to visitors the role that glass played in the Apollo program.
July 3 – Sept. 22 // The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York
Apollo's Muse: The Moon in the Age of Photography: This exhibit will showcase visual representations of the moon from the birth of photography to the present. The exhibit will feature photographs of the moon along with prints, drawings, paintings, films, astronomical instruments and cameras that have been flown in space.
Now – December 2019 // Framingham, Massachusetts
Moon Landing in Context: The McAuliffe Center for Integrated Science Learning at Framingham State University and the Smithsonian Institution are collaborating to put together an ongoing program that includes panel discussions, lectures, exhibitions and student projects that explore the moon landing and the history surrounding it.
July 14 – Jan. 5, 2020 // National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
By the Light of the Moon: A Century of Lunar Photographs: This ongoing exhibit will celebrate Apollo 11's 50th anniversary with a collection of lunar photographs made over the century preceding the Apollo 11 mission, as well as photographs taken by Armstrong and Aldrin during their lunar excursion.
July 13 – July 20 // Wings Over The Rockies Air and Space Museum in DenverApollopalooza 2019: Taking place during the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission, this festival will celebrate the moon landing and the future of space exploration. The event will include an Apollo astronaut speaker, STEM activities, exhibits, seminars and more.
July 16 – July 20 // The Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, Washington, D.C.
First Moon Landing Celebration: For five days, visitors will gather at the National Air and Space museum and on the National Mall to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing.
July 18 // Purdue University's Loeb Playhouse in Lafayette, Indiana
"Go or No-Go" The Untold Story of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing: This ticketed event will feature Gene Kranz, the Apollo 11 flight director who made it possible for the Apollo 11 astronauts to land on the lunar surface.
July 18 – July 21 // Canberra, Australia
Apollo 50th Anniversary Celebration: Organized by a group of mostly former Apollo workers, engineers, technicians and managers, this four-day event will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first lunar landing near NASA’s Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex.
July 19 – July 21 // The Museum of Flight in Seattle
Lunar Landing Celebration Festival: This festival will celebrate the Apollo 11 moon landing, taking place during the 50th anniversary of the event.
July 19 – July 21 // Armstrong Air & Space Museum in Ohio
Summer Moon Festival: Taking place in Neil A. Armstrong's hometown, this festival will celebrate Apollo 11's 50th anniversary with exhibits, demonstrations and activities surrounding the past, present and future of space exploration.
July 20 // Purdue University in Lafayette, Indiana
Apollo 50th Anniversary Events: This day is packed with Apollo 11 events. First, the university will premiere a documentary about Neil Armstrong by director Gareth Dodds. A static air show will feature the type of aircraft that Neil Armstrong flew, there will be STEM activities for kids K-12 and visitors will be able to take in the continuing Neil Armstrong exhibit. Later in the day, there will be panels and book signings.
July 22 – July 28 // Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh, Wisconsin
67th Annual Experimental Aircraft Association fly-in convention: This year's annual convention will honor the Apollo astronauts. On July 26, Apollo 11 astronaut Michael Collins will join the program with fellow Apollo astronaut Joe Engle at Theatre in the Woods in the evening.
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Did you know that pilot yuri gagarin was the fist cosmonaut into orbit and that edgar white realized the first american spacewalk , monitored by mission control at johnson space center and houston space center ? Have you seen a countdown to liftoff from Apollo space complex launching pilot and nasa astronaut ? You will get info on commemoration of the 50th anniversary of apollo, which is the ceremony marking the 50th anniversary of the launch of Apollo 11 , celebrating the 50th anniversary of apollo 8 which witness the first earthrise and blue marble , and neil armstrong walk on the moon as commander of the apollo 11. We have photos of apollo XI spacecraft in lunar orbit while neil armstrong and buzz walks on the moon in their astronaut's spacesuit . Smithsonian air space museum also displays robotic mission to mars and phobos , pathfinder mission to mars, apollo astronaut eugene cernan salutes the flag monitored by scientists at nasa s marshall space flight center in huntsville . And Esa european space agency is working with roscosmos space agency to build satellites to lunar and martian surface .
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Do you remember Buzz Aldrin magnificent desolation walking on the moon, and that nasa did go to the moon and back seven times, braught back meteorites and lunar dust from the moon and mars, landed the first astronauts on the moon and returning them safely. Do you know the names aff all crew of the apollo moon mission ? When did nasa ended the space shuttle program ? When will Space X send tourists around the moon and back to earth as no one has sent americans back to the moon since apollo or lunar module pilot fred haise ? Have you seen recent flight of nasa's orion capsule and its service moduleor china s jade rabbit moon rover from earth ?
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