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Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second-smallest planet in the Solar System
Buy now1969 Mariner 6 captures Mars450,00 €Buy nowNASA Mariner 4: Original Official Photographs of the Planet Mars.450,00 €Out of StockBuy nowNASA VIKING OFFICIAL PHOTOS - MARS 1976 & 77450,00 €Buy nowVintage Original 1975 NASA JPL Lab Viking MARS surface Kodak photo450,00 €Buy nowVintage Original 1975 NASA JPL Lab Viking MARS surface Astronaut Kodak photo450,00 €Buy nowViking Mars lander first generation original photos450,00 €Out of StockBuy nowViking Mars lander first generation original photos450,00 €Buy nowViking Mars lander first generation original photos450,00 €Out of StockBuy nowMORE DETAILS Viking 1 & 2 Nasa probes launched August 20, 1975 and September 9, 1975450,00 €Out of StockBuy nowViking Mars lander first generation original photos450,00 €Out of StockBuy nowViking Mars lander first generation original photos450,00 €Buy nowViking Mars lander first generation original photos450,00 €Buy nowViking Mars lander first generation original photos450,00 €Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second-smallest planet in the Solar System, being larger than only Mercury. In English, Mars carries the name of the Roman god of war and is often referred to as the "Red Planet". The latter refers to the effect of the iron oxide prevalent on Mars's surface, which gives it a reddish appearance distinctive among the astronomical bodies visible to the naked eye.Mars is a terrestrial planet with a thin atmosphere, with surface features reminiscent of the impact craters of the Moon and the valleys, deserts and polar ice caps of Earth.
Mars has been explored by several uncrewed spacecraft. Mariner 4 was the first spacecraft to visit Mars; launched by NASA on 28 November 1964, it made its closest approach to the planet on 15 July 1965. Mariner 4 detected the weak Martian radiation belt, measured at about 0.1% that of Earth, and captured the first images of another planet from deep space.The Soviet Mars 3 mission included a lander, which achieved a soft landing in December 1971; however, contact was lost seconds after touchdown.On 20 July 1976, Viking 1 performed the first successful landing on the Martian surface.On 4 July 1997, the Mars Pathfinder spacecraft landed on Mars and on 5 July released its rover, Sojourner, the first robotic rover to operate on Mars.The Mars Express orbiter, the first European Space Agency (ESA) spacecraft to visit Mars, arrived in orbit on 25 December 2003.In January 2004, NASA's Mars Exploration Rovers, named Spirit and Opportunity, both landed on Mars; Spirit operated until 22 March 2010 and Opportunity lasted until 10 June 2018.NASA landed its Curiosity rover on August 6, 2012, as a part of its Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission to investigate Martian climate and geology.On 24 September 2014, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) became the fourth space agency to visit Mars when its maiden interplanetary mission, the Mars Orbiter Mission spacecraft, arrived in orbit.The United Arab Emirates became the fifth to successfully undertake a mission to Mars, having inserted an orbiter in to the Martian atmosphere on 9 February 2021. NASA's Perseverance rover and Ingenuity helicopter successfully landed on Mars on 18 February 2021.
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