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50 stories for Apollo 50 anniversary
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Great Apollo side stories to read
This is a serie of 50 articles, exploring the 50th anniversary of the first-ever Moon landingAn American flag on the moon before Apollo 11
A rogue flag made it to the Moon’s surface three years before Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin planted theirs in lunar dirt.
On June 2, 1966, a spaceship called Surveyor 1 settled into a crater in an area of the Moon called the Ocean of Storms. Surveyor 1 was a triumph. The spacecraft sent back TV images and 11,237 photographs of the Moon’s surface. It also carried a secret cargo that its own scientists had slipped onboard. That June day that Surveyor 1 landed on the Moon and started sending back pictures, Sheldon Shallon, Hughes’ chief scientist, held a press conference and revealed that the ship carried a small, unscheduled item that neither NASA nor Shallon’s bosses knew about: an American flag. learn more
Pillsbury developed high-protein Space Food Sticks at the request of NASA, then tried to get people on Earth to eat them.
Once the Apollo astronauts got out to walk and drive around on the Moon, they were, of course, sealed in their spacesuits. The first ones—Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin—were only outside for two-and-a-half hours. But the later moonwalks lasted for seven hours or more, and were physically demanding, and so the astronauts had a snack, mounted ingeniously inside their space helmets, where they could lean over and take a bite. learn more
One small tape (for one small step) Could Now Be Worth Millions
A Moon Landing Tape a NASA Intern Bought Could Now Be Worth Millions
These tapes comes from the collection of Gary George, the man responsible for salvaging and safeguarding them for the past 43 years. George came across the recordings by a stroke of remarkable luck: while working as an intern for the NASA Johnson Space Center in June of 1973, he stopped by a government surplus auction to browse the wares. For $217.77, George bought the tapes. It was a good deal: they are worth millions of dollars today. learn more
The last cruise to celebrate Apollo 17
The oddest Moon-related cultural experience was one that happened on the occasion of the launch of Apollo 17, in December 1972, the last Apollo mission to the Moon. It was a Caribbean cruise.
NBC newsman Hugh Downs, science fiction legends Isaac Asimov and Ben Bova, novelist Katherine Anne Porter, and yes, Norman Mailer himself. This curious collection of luminaries also organized events and panels as part of the ship’s entertainment. The cruise lasted almost as long as the Apollo 17 mission itself: nine days, starting with a seaborne view of Apollo 17’s launch from seven miles off Cape Kennedy.. learn more
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Astronauts flying from earth to the space station is always a fantastic story, as long as watching crew of astronauts flying to the moon. You can also enjoy orbital space flight to mars, launch of the space shuttle or Alan musk and spacex falcon launch. If you like Apollo launch from kennedy space center, or unmaned spaceflight to saturn and jupiter, you will also like Apollo 11 landing on the moon before the soviet. But you know that russian space program won the fist space flight, robotic and human spaceflight exploration with outer space signals from roscosmos, worked on space travel and colonization flight of the first cosmonaut youri gagarin and alexey leonov launch of vostok spacecraft from kazakhstan s baikonur spaceport .
All this came from sputnik and the space race between the ussr and usa, which led to cooperation between space agencies working together. Did you know that rocket were launched from cape canaveral cocoa beach with engineers at mission control during the apollo program ? Own genuine flown in space materials from nasa's most famous spacecraft. Our exclusive Space Collector's Series brings you genuine material which has been flown in space either aboard or as part of a NASA spacecraft, such as the Apollo Command Module, Space Shuttle and more.
Did you know that pilot yuri gagarin was the fist cosmonaut into orbit and that edgar white realized the first american spacewalk , monitored by mission control at johnson space center and houston space center ? Have you seen a countdown to liftoff from Apollo space complex launching pilot and nasa astronaut ? You will get info on commemoration of the 50th anniversary of apollo, which is the ceremony marking the 50th anniversary of the launch of Apollo 11 , celebrating the 50th anniversary of apollo 8 which witness the first earthrise and blue marble , and neil armstrong walk on the moon as commander of the apollo 11. We have photos of apollo XI spacecraft in lunar orbit while neil armstrong and buzz walks on the moon in their astronaut's spacesuit . Smithsonian air space museum also displays robotic mission to mars and phobos , pathfinder mission to mars, apollo astronaut eugene cernan salutes the flag monitored by scientists at nasa s marshall space flight center in huntsville . And Esa european space agency is working with roscosmos space agency to build satellites to lunar and martian surface .
Kennedy space center launch pad at cape canaveral launched missions to explore the lunar surface in the 1960s , orbiting earth or traveling in space, studying and exploring space with european astronauts, watching the apollo xi moon landing by neil armstrong and astronauts during spacewalks outside the iss , honoring russian cosmonauts and astronauts , monitor spacecraft launched from the baikonur cosmodrome in kazakhstan, advancing and sustaining human space exploration, exhibit at the national air and space museum of the smithsonian institution.
Do you remember Buzz Aldrin magnificent desolation walking on the moon, and that nasa did go to the moon and back seven times, braught back meteorites and lunar dust from the moon and mars, landed the first astronauts on the moon and returning them safely. Do you know the names aff all crew of the apollo moon mission ? When did nasa ended the space shuttle program ? When will Space X send tourists around the moon and back to earth as no one has sent americans back to the moon since apollo or lunar module pilot fred haise ? Have you seen recent flight of nasa's orion capsule and its service moduleor china s jade rabbit moon rover from earth ?
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