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A small step for the man, but a giant leap for your collection. Space Collectibles presents a unique portfolio of rare photographies from NASA and SOVIET. These extraordinary photos capture the excitement and fascination of space exploration. These images now become part of our collective visual culture for the 20th century.
The most expensive photos ever taken
These are no ordinary snapshots of an amateur, captured with a standard camera box, but the culmination of the concentrated intelligence of many thousands of NASA employees, ingeneers and scientists. Actually, these are the most expensive photographs ever taken.
A rare mix of Scientific and artistical quality
Viewing these footprints is as close to really walking on the Moon or Mars as any of us will ever have the opportunity to do. Nowadays, we treasure these vintage prints for their aesthetic quality and as a lasting visual evidence of an era where the progress seemed so promising...
Fotofever Expo
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Out of StockBuy nowApollo 14 Training Landing Approach Photo Map, LMS2.800,00 €Out of StockBuy now"First Selfie" Color Photo of Buzz Aldrin1.450,00 €Buy nowLuna 20 and Luna 21: Amazing Panoramic Glossy Photos6.000,00 €Buy nowLunar Orbiter 4, mai 1967 Mare Orientale,2.500,00 €Buy nowLunar Obiter 5, août 1967 Moon quarter2.500,00 €Buy nowViking Orbiter, mai 1980 Ma'adim Vallis,9.500,00 €Buy nowOutflaw rivers on Mars : a major discovery of the Viking program, Viking Orbiter 1, July 19769.500,00 €Buy nowApollo 12 and Surveyor III vintage photo signed by Guenter Wendts450,00 €Buy nowGemini 4 : Edward H. White II signed Red Number NASA photo1.300,00 €Buy nowLuna 21: Amazing Soviet Panoramic Glossy Photos6.000,00 €Buy nowLuna 21: Amazing Soviet Panoramic Glossy Photos6.000,00 €Buy nowLuna 21: Amazing Soviet Panoramic Glossy Photos6.000,00 €Buy nowApollo 10 photo used by Apollo 14 as General Lunar Surface Work photo2.450,00 €Buy nowApollo 10 photo used by Apollo 14 as General Lunar Surface Work photo2.450,00 €Buy nowApollo 10 photo used by Apollo 14 as General Lunar Surface Work photo2.450,00 €Buy nowFirst close up picture of Mars, Mariner IV450,00 €Buy nowCroud staring at Apollo 15 lift off450,00 €Buy nowViking Mars lander first generation original photos450,00 €Buy nowViking Mars lander first generation original photos450,00 €Out of StockBuy nowViking Mars lander first generation original photos450,00 €- Hanging the moon
If a collection always draws a portrait of its designer, it also underlies, however vast it may be, the idea of its completion, of a finite world within reach of the collector. We will also measure the difficulty of the "Space Collectibles" company in terms of perimeter, space, which is constantly being pushed back, by definition without limits.
So you have to proceed in fragments, quotations, metaphors and that's exactly what the hanging presented to Fotofever is about. The work on display, mainly around the moon, is a feminine tribute to the theme of the fair, alternating classical images of lunar exploration with more unexpected scientific photographs.- Without deflating the installation, we can mention a pair of X-rayed gloves answering the delicious acronym of EVA.
- To discover a large format of the lunar ground used as a training target for astronauts, an interesting example of photography that precedes the reality from which it originated.
- See a series of panoramic views of the Russian space adventure that define the 360° lunar landscape as much as they define its center, either the camera or yourself.
- And even look at some images of Mars, the very first and then others, in order to derogate a little from the moon and to continue further the exploration of the worlds through photography.
- More about vintage space photos
What is a vintage NASA photograph ?
The photographs on this website are guaranteed as vintage NASA or Soviet prints, processed by NASA’s photographic laboratories shortly after the date of the scene depicted. As contemporary, original prints of pictures taken by astronaut-photographers such as Neil Armstrong, they are very rare and difficult to find, especially in good condition.
Generally speaking, vintage NASA photographs were printed on fibre-based photographic paper, 20 x 25 cm (8 x 10 in). Most are printed on “A Kodak Paper”, a watermark which changed in 1972. Unless otherwise stated, all photographs are glossy prints on paper. The NASA reference numbers within square brackets do not appear on the prints and are provided for reference.
How many of them are there?
NASA produced master duplicates of all negatives after each mission, while the originals were locked away in cold store. From the master duplicates photographs were printed and distributed for the use of NASA’s own scientists and public relations department. In subsequent years, NASA destroyed many of these original prints as they were archived on the internet and true vintage prints are subsequently hard to find. Vintage NASA photographs are not ‘editioned’ in any conventional sense, and there is an unknown but certainly finite number of them in open circulation.
Because NASA had several processing centres and each print was produced on demand, no two are ever identical, meaning each one is unique. The location of the red NASA number, the presence or not of a purple caption on the verso, any annotations or other marks, the ageing of the colour and the condition of the print can all vary to a significant degree.
We only ever stock one print of a particular image at any time and, generally speaking, once it's gone, it's gone. While we refresh our inventory periodically, there can be a substantial wait to replace most images, if they can even be replaced at all.
What are the red (or black/blue) NASA numbers?
These typically refer to the mission name or number, such as AS11 for Apollo 11, the magazine number and frame number. The majority of prints have a red, blue or black NASA number printed near the image on the front of the print, but by no means all of them. The unique NASA number for each image can be used to search for further information on NASA's websites.
What are the purple stamps on the back of some photographs?
Some, roughly a third, are printed on the reverse in purple ink with the NASA logo, the issuing centre, the identification number (mission-film magazine-frame), the date the picture was taken and an explanatory caption. Colour (chromogenic) prints on heavier weight paper are commonly blank on the back, as were certain print runs made for internal use or for the agency’s subcontracting firms.
Space Collectibles online shop for Apollo 11 memorabilia , run one of the most trusted and respected space memorabilia dealers website for the past 10 years. On space collectibles unique space merchandising products and authentic space memorabilia from over 50 years of NASA and Russian space history such as astronaut and cosmonaut autographs, historic hardware and even flown to the moon artifacts from the Apollo 11 program , great Apollo 12 mission are offered with a lifelong authenticity garantuee.
Why should you buy Apollo 50 Anniversary Space memorabilia, NASA collectibles and space exploration artifacts with Space Collectibles ? Because we’re the trusted online store sought out by the people at the center of the US space race, and the passionate collectors of those space artifacts who want to curate them for future generations. Space Collectibles is honored that the top names in space exploration auction house come to us to source our incredible collections. From the scientists, engineers and insiders of the space race, to the very men and women who have traveled beyond Earth’s atmosphere, our memorabilia offer first hand and incredibly rare collectibles gathered from one of the most exciting periods of modern history, such as Autographs, training-used materials, flown artifacts, and space hardware.
Astronauts flying from earth to the space station is always a fantastic story, as long as watching crew of astronauts flying to the moon. You can also enjoy orbital space flight to mars, launch of the space shuttle or Alan musk and spacex falcon launch. If you like Apollo launch from kennedy space center, or unmaned spaceflight to saturn and jupiter, you will also like Apollo 11 landing on the moon before the soviet. But you know that russian space program won the fist space flight, robotic and human spaceflight exploration with outer space signals from roscosmos, worked on space travel and colonization flight of the first cosmonaut youri gagarin and alexey leonov launch of vostok spacecraft from kazakhstan s baikonur spaceport .
All this came from sputnik and the space race between the ussr and usa, which led to cooperation between space agencies working together. Did you know that rocket were launched from cape canaveral cocoa beach with engineers at mission control during the apollo program ? Own genuine flown in space materials from nasa's most famous spacecraft. Our exclusive Space Collector's Series brings you genuine material which has been flown in space either aboard or as part of a NASA spacecraft, such as the Apollo Command Module, Space Shuttle and more.
Did you know that pilot yuri gagarin was the fist cosmonaut into orbit and that edgar white realized the first american spacewalk , monitored by mission control at johnson space center and houston space center ? Have you seen a countdown to liftoff from Apollo space complex launching pilot and nasa astronaut ? You will get info on commemoration of the 50th anniversary of apollo, which is the ceremony marking the 50th anniversary of the launch of Apollo 11 , celebrating the 50th anniversary of apollo 8 which witness the first earthrise and blue marble , and neil armstrong walk on the moon as commander of the apollo 11. We have photos of apollo XI spacecraft in lunar orbit while neil armstrong and buzz walks on the moon in their astronaut's spacesuit . Smithsonian air space museum also displays robotic mission to mars and phobos , pathfinder mission to mars, apollo astronaut eugene cernan salutes the flag monitored by scientists at nasa s marshall space flight center in huntsville . And Esa european space agency is working with roscosmos space agency to build satellites to lunar and martian surface .
Kennedy space center launch pad at cape canaveral launched missions to explore the lunar surface in the 1960s , orbiting earth or traveling in space, studying and exploring space with european astronauts, watching the apollo xi moon landing by neil armstrong and astronauts during spacewalks outside the iss , honoring russian cosmonauts and astronauts , monitor spacecraft launched from the baikonur cosmodrome in kazakhstan, advancing and sustaining human space exploration, exhibit at the national air and space museum of the smithsonian institution.
Do you remember Buzz Aldrin magnificent desolation walking on the moon, and that nasa did go to the moon and back seven times, braught back meteorites and lunar dust from the moon and mars, landed the first astronauts on the moon and returning them safely. Do you know the names aff all crew of the apollo moon mission ? When did nasa ended the space shuttle program ? When will Space X send tourists around the moon and back to earth as no one has sent americans back to the moon since apollo or lunar module pilot fred haise ? Have you seen recent flight of nasa's orion capsule and its service moduleor china s jade rabbit moon rover from earth ?
Through this wonderful collectors series you will be able to collect, study and enjoy owning genuine spaceflight history. So why not start your journey in owning genuine space flown material from some of NASA's most iconic spacecraft today?