Official Original NASA Photos Of Apollo 11 Moon Landing Space
Twelve colour prints from official NASA photos from Apollo 11 Moon Landing July 20, 1969. 12 prints from Dexter Color Print, 1969, these were made from official NASA films and was sold in 1969 for promotion the Apollo Mision 1. Buzz Aldrin steps to the moon surface. 2. Deploy solar wind collector. 3. Seismic Experiment. 4. Aldrin with USA flag. 5. Gathering scientific data of moon surface. 6. Reflection in Aldrin's visor shows Armstrong, Flag, Eagle. 7. Flag on the Sea of Tranquility. 8. Apollo landing foot being examined. 9. Inscription on Eagle left on the Moon. 10. The Eagle, first manned lunar landing vehicle. 11. Eagle going into orbit after leaving the moon. 12. The Earth as seen from Columbia returing to Earth.
Dimensions, all - c.9cm x 9cm